A deep dive into the world of Christian Zionism, a major pillar of the network, along with Jewish Zionism & the Military Industrial Complex/National Security Stat, that keeps Biden Dems & the GOP firmly behind the genocidal, racist, supremacist State of Israel.


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A compelling post, especially for those who haven’t an inkling of the historical underpinnings of the conflict(s).

Before I proceed, a quick aside: “Evangelical” where it pertains to Christians is not pejorative, deriving from the Greek Evangelion. Unfortunately, it today conjures up images of snake-wrangling Pentacostals and the likes of people like Hagee. Although I don’t like how it is used in the common parlance, I know in what sense the author intends, i.e., a broad classification of denominations (like Hagee’s) who adopted 19th century beliefs started by Darby and his Plymouth Brethren movement, or other sects built along even shakier ground.

For those of us who are traditional Christians, Hagee is a heretic of the first order. Why? Because among other things what he espouses is dual covenant theology- one for Christians, one for Jews. Clearly not biblical. Israel is the Church, not national Israel.

As the author notes, the downstream consequences of these beliefs, given their overrepresentation in the halls of federal power, are frightening. Instead of peace on Earth, good will toward men, we get “bomb Iran”, “mow the lawn”, “nuke ‘em all “ etc. I believe that just as post 911 commentators oft spouted things like “Al Qaeda (or whomever) hijacked Islam” that the CZ crowd hijacked western Christianity, or rather, deceived its adherents.

Christmas in the Holy Land year 0, foreign Imperial Rome occupies a tense outpost of her empire, requiring counts of the populace and enacting cruel dictates in concert with an evil, local collaborator, soon to massacre the Holy Innocents. Christmas in the Holy Land 2024, a local imperium collaborates with a foreign kingdom to repeat the deed. Sickening. Is there any relief, this side of the eschaton? Doubtful.

Don’t look to either of the two main political parties to break away, call out the atrocities, and cut the cord to genocidal foreign beneficiaries (pun intended). The left party is as beholden to AIPAC as the right party is to Christian Zionism. “Put not your trust in princes, in sons of men...” means more now than when Nero nominated his horse-our current leadership being far lower on the phylogenetic scale.

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